Your Life Purpose: Chart Ruler in the 12th House
Is the ruler of the first house in your twelfth house? Are you trying to find what it means? Then, you just found the right place.
If you are new to astrology and want to know the meaning of a birth chart and chart ruler, check out my introductory page before you continue reading this article. Or you can scroll all the way down and watch my YouTube video, where I included an introduction.
If your chart ruler is located in your 12th house, you would be less identified with ego. You may feel as if you are living two worlds at the same time. The more you try to make sense of your life, the more you may get lost. In this lifetime, you learn to let go of material desires, seek for higher meanings, practice agape love and strengthen the relationship with the invisible power aka God, Source, Energy, or Universe.
In order to empower yourself and become the best version of yourself, you need to surrender to the miraculous power. Your best life strategy would be giving without expecting anything in return.
Your life purpose is to learn how to practice altruism, activate your full potentials through creativity and spirituality, and offer great service to others, and experience a higher form of love through sacrifice, surrender, and humility.
Practice compassion and unconditional love by offering service
Develop creativity (i.e. fine arts, music, films, photography, research, writing, gaming, etc)
Withdraw from the mundane life and find healthy ways to escape from the reality
Strengthen your relationship with Universe, God, Source or Energy
Follow spiritual practice such as meditation and prayer
Have a quality alone time to charge your energy
Learn to surrender the need to control
Learn about spirituality and develop intuition and psychic abilities
Drop the victim mindset and stay away from addiction
One of your big life lessons is to release ego-identification and merge with higher power
Your life would not turn out in a way that you originally planned out. Itβs because your core life purpose is to understand how the higher power works. This means that as you focus on positivity, you would easily experience miraculous events. Therefore, learn to cultivate faith and trust your journey. The more you get out of your headspace and get into your heart space, you would live a fulfilling life and become a better version of yourself.
Click here to find out why the ruler of the 1st house is important to decode your life purpose.
Intro 0:00
Chart Ruler in the 12th House 2:32
This video is for those who have a chart ruler in the 12th or the ruler of the first house in the 9th house:
Aries Rising Sign & Mars in Pisces
Taurus Rising Sign & Venus in Aries
Gemini Rising Sign & Mercury in Taurus
Cancer Rising Sign & Moon in Gemini
Leo Rising Sign & Sun in Cancer
Virgo Rising Sign & Mercury in Leo
Libra Rising Sign & Venus in Virgo
Scorpio Rising Sign & Mars/Pluto in Libra
Sagittarius Rising Sign & Jupiter in Scorpio
Capricorn Rising Sign & Saturn in Sagittarius
Aquarius Rising Sign & Saturn/Uranus in Capricorn
Pisces Rising Sign & Jupiter/Neptune in Aquarius or
more than 3 planets in the 12th house or in Pisces
Chart Ruler in the 12th House Cheat Sheet
The skipped introduction to chart ruler includes the meaning of a birth chart and chart ruler.
Hi, Iβm Larimar. In this video, I want to talk about your life purpose from an astrological perspective. If your chart ruler or the ruler of the first house is in the 12th house, this is the video you would like to watch.
So for example, if your rising sign is Aries and your Mars is in Pisces, if your rising sign is Taurus and your Venus is in Aries, if you have Gemini as a rising sign and your Mercury is in Taurus, if you have Cancer as a rising sign and your moon is in Gemini, if your rising sign is Leo in your Sun is in Cancer, if your rising sign is Virgo and your Mercury is in Leo, if your rising sign is Libra and your Venus is in Virgo, if your rising sign is Scorpio and your Mars or Pluto is in Libra, if your rising sign is Sagittarius and your Jupiter is in Scorpio, if your rising sign is Capricorn and your Saturn is in Sagittarius, if your rising sign is Aquarius and your Saturn or Uranus is in Capricorn, finally, if your rising sign is Pisces and your Neptune or Jupiter is in Aquarius, this is the video you would like to watch.
So, what does that mean? What is your life purpose? Your life purpose has to do with creativity, spirituality, and anything that is invisible. So, developing those qualities are very, very, very important for your life, and spending a long time in doing soft contemplation and self-introspection and doing a lot of creative activities, whether it be drawing, singing, making music, or listening to music, reading books or meditating. Having a long time is very crucial for you because of the 12th house. These are the last sign or the house of the system. So, what does that mean? It rules anything that is invisible, in other words, non-physical, and having a strong connection to that different world/ different dimension is going to actually serve you on the practical level. So, these people tend to be very creative, especially your ruling planet is strong. A lot of artists, celebrities, actors, and spiritual practitioners have this position in their charts... Oh, another thing that's pretty interesting is the 12th house rules a foreign country, so you would end up living in a foreign country. So it's important to develop and cultivate your creativity and spirituality. However, one of the downsides you might be facing is the shadow side of the 12th house, which is addiction.
The 12th house represents escapism in general. Because it rules the other world, if your vibration is low, you might find it easy to cope with your situation by having a victim mindset. So you can victimize yourself by telling yourself that I was not able to do such and such things because of certain people or a certain situation. These people may find it easy to fall into a trap of having an addiction such as alcohol, drugs and watching TVs and dramas, like all day seven days, any type of addiction is ruled by Pisces and the 12th house. This is just a negative expression of the 12th House or Piscean energy. But you can change it into positivity by consciously having alone time, reflecting yourself, journaling and contemplating yourself, and doing meditation yoga. Any type of spiritual practice would help you get in touch with a higher dimension/ different dimension that some people may call a creative world.
So, a lot of authors are actually having this position in the chart because think about it. Fictional storytellers come up with a completely, totally different world, and they describe it so vividly. That takes up a lot of creativity, and that's actually coming from their strong connection to a different world. Thatβs like a positive expression of this energy. So yeah, I hope this helps you.
You can be very creative and artistic. Of course, it doesn't mean that you have to spend most of the time alone. It's not like that, but your core energy would be coming from having a quality alone time. So I hope this helps you and let me know if you resonate with that.
I just wanted to add one more thing. So your life purpose has to do with developing your faith, Faith in the universe, faith in God, faith in the world. Because the more you reinforce and strengthen this connection to another world/ the higher dimension, you can start feeling more grounded, getting a lot of inspirations - often creative inspirations, - and you can turn this inspiration into something practical in a way that you most resonate with, whether it be creative activities or it can be a down-to-earth practical way of doing things, which will be depending on your zodiac and the planets in the 12th house.
Also, you are here to learn to be selfless and have compassion, because the twelfth zodiac sign Pisces rules a higher form of love. So, whenever you feel that you are not getting what you are supposed to get and you feel like you are giving away more than you are taking from life or from the situation, your relationship, actually that's a good thing. This is because the more you give away and the more you share, the more you're willing to be selfless, things are going to be going back to you. It's one of the most spiritual houses β the 12th house.
Once you know this trick, you can stop victimizing yourself, which is a negative expression of the 12th House. People who have a lot of emphasis in the 12 house can fall into this trap of thinking that they are victims of certain situations or relationships, which might be true but it's all about perspective. Try to channel, try to focus on positivity, and you can have some miraculous results because the 12th house also rules miracle, something that cannot be explained in physical words or physical principles.
It's one of the most mysterious houses and signs. Both Scorpio and pies are very mysterious and very spiritual houses. At the same time, it can be a bit challenging, but once you know the trick, how to put it in perspective, you can start feeling much more love and compassion. You can almost feel like you are living a dream life. So, a part of your life purpose is to get out of this victim mindset and have faith in life. Trust the universe. Trust God. Spiritual practice will help you a lot as well as creative activities. This can include music, drama, acting, photography, theater, and drawing, painting, crafting, anything that is creative. Writing.
So I hope this helps some of you out there and let me know if you resonate with it. I hope you have a great day. Thank you.
Larimar Kriative
A manifestation mentor who helps you regain your inner power.