Your Life Purpose: Chart Ruler in the 9th House

Is the ruler of the first house in your ninth house? Are you trying to find what it means? Then, you just found the right place.

If you are new to astrology and want to know the meaning of a birth chart and chart ruler, check out my introductory page before you continue reading this article. Or you can scroll all the way down and watch my YouTube video, where I included an introduction.

chart ruler in the 9th house in birth chart astrology life purpose

Chart Ruler in the 9th House

Click here to find out why ruler of the 1st house is important to decode your life purpose.

  • Intro 0:00

  • Chart Ruler in the 3rd House 2:32

This video is for those who have chart ruler or the ruler of the first house in the 9th house:

  • Aries Rising Sign & Mars in Sagittarius

  • Taurus Rising Sign & Venus in Capricorn

  • Gemini Rising Sign & Mercury in Aquarius

  • Cancer Rising Sign & Moon in Pisces

  • Leo Rising Sign & Sun in Aries

  • Virgo Rising Sign & Mercury in Taurus

  • Libra Rising Sign & Venus in Gemini

  • Scorpio Rising Sign & Mars/Pluto in Cancer

  • Sagittarius Rising Sign & Jupiter in Leo

  • Capricorn Rising Sign & Saturn in Virgo

  • Aquarius Rising Sign & Saturn/Uranus in Libra

  • Pisces Rising Sign & Jupiter/Neptune in Scorpio or

  • more than 3 planets in the 9th house or in Sagittarius

Chart Ruler in the 9th House Cheat Sheet

Infographic on life purpose for chart ruler in 9th house: belief system, travel, spirituality, philosophy & tips (learn, stay positive)


The skipped introduction to chart ruler includes the meaning of birth chart and chart ruler.


In this video, I want to continue talking about the life purpose. This is a video for those of you who have the ruler of the first house in the ninth house. Your life purpose has to do with learning, teaching, traveling, your higher mind and higher perspective. These are ruled by the ninth house and Sagittarius, which is the ninth zodiac sign. In this lifetime, one of your biggest life purposes is to see the bigger picture from a myriad of information out there. The opposite sign of the ninth house/ ninth sign is the third house or Gemini. Gemini rules all these little factual information - very practical and logical. Your mission is to make sense of everything by coming up with the unifying principles.


So, it's almost like being able to see the big picture. See the forest, not a tree. You would be very strongly identified with the belief of any sort. The ninth house and Sagittarius mean philosophy, theology, law, politics, science, economy, academics, and anything that can bind a big chunk of information into one cohesive principle. For example, in science, it's more about theoretical science rather than experimental one.


Basically, your mission is to see the patterns in the life and in the field of your choice. So let’s say that you do business. You can share your wisdom, knowledge and experience with others who need to hear from you. You can be a counsellor, teacher, motivational speaker.


The ninth house also rules optimism and hope, and all these bright sides of life. So, building these qualities are very important, especially for those of you whose ruling planet is in the first house. If the planet is strong, you find it easy to be aligned with yourself and find positivity in every situation. But if not, you can work around it. There's always a way to do it.


Cultivating optimistic mindsets is very important for you. For this reason, deepening your understanding, expanding your awareness and consciousness in any way that you prefer will benefit your overall life - every aspect of your life.


You don't have to have a religion, but allowing yourself to be exposed to the different sets of beliefs and ideologies will help you come up with your own personal unique belief, because you would have an attitude like β€œI am a belief,” β€œI represent this belief,” β€œI dedicate my life to a certain belief or a statement.”


You can be also a good teacher and you would have prophetic skills – an ability to see the future.


The ninth house rules future, and this does not necessarily mean that you have psychic abilities, although you can have. This is because you can see the patterns, underlying patterns and principles out of a seemingly chaotic information. You're able to connect the dots altogether. You can make sense of complicated information that is very needed in society.


So, if you work with market economy or finance, you could be a financial counsellor. You'll be able to see what's going to be on trend in the future in the next five to ten years. This can be your specialty.


It's not specifically related to a stock market, because depending on which planet and which zodiac signs you have in the ninth house, things are going to play differently for individual.


Also, the ninth house rules travel. You can be a world traveler professionally or personally. Travel is going to help you expand your mind. Just being in a different scenery and foreign exotic environments can help you expand your mind.


The more you travel a long-distance travel, the more you will be able to learn a lot and gain new perspective, expanding your awareness. This can probably help you develop your own unique theory or life principle that is worth sharing with others.


Also, you could end up living in a foreign country, because the ninth house and Sagittarius rule foreign countries. It’s the eighth house from the second house, which is about family.


So, part of your life mission is to break out of your family lineage and do something different from what your parents or grandparents did.


Therefore, if you've ever been debating or thinking that you wanted to do something different from your parents, but feeling guilty or negative emotions about that, I hope you don't feel that way, because it's part of your life path. I think you're on the right track. This is what you’re supposed to be. Just follow your highest excitement.


The ninth house rules optimism and positivity. So, following your joy will benefit you definitely. Who wouldn't get the benefit from following joy. Especially for you, since your chart ruler is in the ninth house, cultivating optimistic perspectives and positive mindsets are going to help you.


Having a relationship with the higher dimension, whether you call it God, Universe were higher dimension, Energy, Source, Vortex energy, whatever that is. It's going to help you expand your mind and see different perspective of the world and you'll find joy which will feed your soul.


Work on your belief. You don't have to hold on to outdated beliefs. It's okay to change how you think and upgrade your belief systems. As life goes on, we face different situations and different information. It's natural to adapt to the new environments and keep upgrading ourselves.


So yeah, so I hope this information helps you in any way, shape or form, and if you resonate with it or if you like to share your thoughts, please leave a comment below, I would love to read. Have a great day! Thank you.


Last note: You can be a great teacher of any sort in the field of your choice. Traditionally, this is a guru type teacher and spiritual teacher. Spirituality is going to help you a lot too, but it doesn't necessarily play out in that way. You can be a business counselor. You can help people where to make investment because you know how things are moving. You can see the trends in the mass movement. So, that's definitely your gift. I hope you find it useful. Thanks!

Larimar Kriative
A manifestation mentor who helps you regain your inner power.


Your Life Purpose: Chart Ruler in the 10th House


Your Life Purpose: Chart Ruler in the 8th House